We interrupt this happy stream of wedding remembrance to take stock of worthwhile media consumption lately. Forgive me in advance: This month is light on actual, real, solid reading. My attention span in just suffering, haha, and I crave more quiet down time and focus. More of that in February!
Boom Town by Sam Anderson: I am chipping slowly away at this fascinating and creatively written two-fold history of Oklahoma City (it tells about both the Landrun days and the founding of our beloved OKC Thunder, plus everything in between). I will post a full review in a couple of weeks, but if it’s at all on our radar I do recommend diving in!
This Womens Running article about how to be best prepared for the covid vaccine caught my attention. Sure seems like a good night’s sleep and a quick run are the answers to all my needs.
This Greatist article about ankle mobility helped me “unlock” some things, ha. (I think people often mistake some lower limb problems for plantar faccistis.)
Still loving my new daily devotional by Bob Goff.

Fight Club! I watched this on the treadmill recently and got so into it that I dance-air punched-wiggled too much and fell smack down while the treadmill kept going, immediately skinning black spandex deeply into my left kneecap. It hurt, but it was also kind of perfect. My front teeth are fine, though, which is all that matters really.
The Crown Handsome and I binged this all month long and loved it, which was kind of a surprise. Between this series and a couple of other period documentaries, I have developed a soft spot for Queen Elizabeth, despite her reputation for chilliness. (We could not get into Bridgerton though. We tried, really, and neither of us liked it at all.)
Hillbilly Elegy. Whew!! Amazing acting from Glenn Close, Amy Adams, and more, but wow. Ouch. Watch at your own risk. It is an emotionally heavy memoir-made-film, no matter what your background. Be sure to watch to the epilogue. Have you seen it?
Witches: This was a welcome palate cleanser. Really cute and imaginative. All hail Roald Dahl, Octavia Spencer, and Anne Hathaway.
Brene Brown’s conversation with Melinda Gates was such a breath of fresh air. I now want to read Gates’ book The Moment of Lift even more. She told lots of personal stories but mostly left me thinking about how nobody is empty handed. And her team-building anecdotes got me reflecting on my husband’s career (I am so proud).
The Gardenangelists podcast, especially the episode about sunflowers. Dee is one of my favorite gardeners anyway, but her chemistry with Carol is just too sweet, and they are both informative and inspiring. Did you know that 2021 is The Year of the Sunflower? Let’s grow them all!

The Splendid Table podcast. Love it.
Okay, that about sums up my media consumption lately. What are you reading and watching? What podcasts can I absolutely not miss?
Today I finally sat down and ordered a bunch of seeds for the garden, not a week too soon for some grow light action. So let’s finally chat gardens soon, and please check back in for a few more wedding posts. So many good stories to share.

Your mind is your garden,
Your thoughts are your seeds.
You can grow flowers
or you can grow weeds.