Hello, and happy Monday! Today I am posting a recap of my October running, mostly for my own records and to distill what went great and where I need some work. Overall I met my (extremely simple) goals. If any of this is useful to you, then Happy Motivation Monday!! If you have some advice for any parts of it, feel free to share. Thanks for reading, friends.
Most Exciting Workout:
Of so many great workouts this month, it was hard to choose a favorite. But Sunday, Oct 14th is it. That morning I ran a mildly fasted (I had eaten well the day before, just no breakfast) and spontaneous half marathon all by myself, at a pretty smooth pace (9:38 average). I didn’t set out to run that long, but it felt great! Every mile felt better and better, and I had some spare time, so eventually, I just went for it. It’s far from my ultimate time goal for 13.1, but considering I did this with no breakfast and no hydration or calories along the way, I’m excited. It gets me thinking of what is possible when I am properly fueled. And I had gobs of energy all day after that! It’s crazy. Adaptions are happening.
Worst Day:
I tried running on the very first day of Shark Week* this month, and I paid the price. My other symptoms had been so mellow leading up to “Day One,” I thought surely a 6- or 7-mile easy day was possible. But I struggled through 2.5 then walked another 1.5 while talking myself out of a pity party. Ha. It’s fine. I went home and poured my limited physical energy into other things and counted my blessings that a difficult run was the worst of my health challenges. Then I moved on with my life.
Longest Run:
Wednesday, Oct 24th: 15 even at Lake Hefner, with Mickey bicycling beside me. This was actually my longest run in several months, and I was pleasantly surprised by not only a steady pace (9:46 average) but by the fact that I was not really tired afterward. Nor was I the least bit sore the next day. Like, overall, it felt just like an average 8/easy day. Big thanks and high fives to my friend for keeping me company!! The miles went by happily, and I got to hear so many great stories about his life. I hope we do that together more often!
Fastest Overall Run:
Early on Sunday the 21st I surprised myself by running a little over 8 miles at an average pace of 8:47. For me, that is pretty snappy. I rode endorphins the whole rest of that fine day, which we spent driving Klaus up Route 66 and doing a little hike, just the three of us. Then we had a very special dinner with our Sperrys, and my heart was so full. (My trick that day was knowing that I only had about an hour to run, so I just crammed as many miles in as possible, then rounded it out to 8, ha!)
Special Meals Worth Sharing Because Food is Fuel:
I continue to favor my weird “warm breakfast salad” over cold protein smoothies for post-run nutrition. Chilly mornings just beg for something cozy, you know? It’s oats cooked with spinach and zuchinni, topped with two eggs. Bam. Love it.
I am also loving big, crisp apples and roasted peanuts, chicken breast sandwiches for lunch, and veggie-heavy soups and pasta dishes at night. Some roasted veggies with sticky rice is great the night before long runs. Yes to gorgeous salad bars, always, and salads at home get topped with warm stuff like roasted acorn squash and mixed with kale for substance.
I cannot seem to eat enough eggs and peanuts the past few weeks. I do not understand why. Oh! And crepes. Jessica invited me over for brunch one day, and along with the most beautiful salad ever, she made us a big platter of warm, thick, chewy, eggy crepes. So perfect and delicious. We opted for savory over sweet that day. I am so proud of her and her cooking confidence and artistry.
Horrible Mistake I Will Never Make Again:
Last Monday evening we were out at a costumed event later than expected and just decided to grab some late dinner at Taco Bell. Taco Bell, friends, around 9:45 p.m. This is not my life.
I ate one of those “power bowls” with steak and some tortilla chips with very very very spicy homemade salsa. It was all delicious, but I had let myself get too hungry. I slept okay then early the next morning tried to run with my speedy friend Sheila. It was not fun. My meal was not digested yet. I had to cut the miles short and walk back to my car. Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb LOL!
Fresh Running Lesson:
Vertical Oscillation had already been on my mind when I ran with Mickey that day at Lake Hefner. While bicycling behind me, he observed that with each stride I circled up too much (think, Tigger the bouncing tiger, or maybe an elliptical machine instead of straight-forward motion). Mickey offered a couple of form suggestions, which I tried. Immediately my posture streamlined and my next couple of sprints were at my max speed without any extra effort. It just clicked. Amazing! I practiced the toe-roll for several days after that and think it is helping me waste less energy. Thanks, Mickey!
Weather Considerations:
From heavy rain all month to a surprise tornado one day and constant temperature swings, our autumn weather has kept local runners guessing. I braved the treadmill just a few times, enough to see that my boredom endurance is abysmal, haha. I have some serious mind callousing to do, you guys.
Anyway, I am so thankful to have met my October goal with so many days that could have gone very differently. And the season change has been breathtaking to watch. I am not at all complaining. Oklahoma has not seen this much color and such high water levels in many years, and the early morning skies, my gosh. I am in love with it all. Just incredibly thankful that so many miles were enjoyed outdoors, which is my favorite.
Little Extras Still Happening?
Yes, mostly. All month I did the dynamic warm-ups faithfully, and I stretched a little after each run, but maybe not enough. I grabbed 8 baby weightlifting days and about as many yoga sessions, but I could be more disciplined with that. Some core work and deep stretching in the evenings are probably in order, too. It’s just a matter of finding sustainable habits.
Total Miles: 223.1
These miles were mostly easy effort, long run pace, super relaxing, and happy! My October goal was 220, just 10% up from September. It felt pretty effortless, so I am thrilled.

What’s Next? My goals for November are to:
- keep my energy way up and my discomforts way down so I can enjoy a month of both running and holiday festivity
- eat more mindfully, not like I am in a panic all the time, ha!
- run 180 miles (a little step back) including two hard Hansons workouts per week
- lift somewhat heavier and more often (maybe every 3 days)
- yoga yoga yoga yoga yoga
I am super curious how much progress I’ll see from strength training and coordination drills. After that, I will be a stone’s throw from my “Run the Year” goal of 2,018. Wahoo!!
What’s new in your fitness and wellness universe?
*Shark Week, for this blog’s purposes, shall always refer to a woman’s natural reproductive monthly cycle. And “Day One” is the worst day for me. I feel like you knew that already. But thanks for following the asterisk.
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