A week ago I was standing alone in the empty dining room of our church, trying not to think too hard about all the life changes going on around us, about all the turmoil that is far from healed in our family and in our church community. I started flipping through a Bible someone had left on one of the round tables there. My thumbs fanned the gold-trimmed tissue pages and stopped for no particular reason at Psalm 136. My eyes caught a few verses and then a few more, and the rhythm mesmerized me. For 26 focused verses the poet recites big, miraculous works of God and follows every single time with the phrase…
For his mercy endureth forever.
It was beautiful. All that power poured out, all that repetition. The phrase gradually gained volume in my head and thrummed up an energy I was not expecting in that quiet dining room. Some old Bible stories I knew, some I didn’t, they all swam around me. I couldn’t help but respond in my thoughts, “I know! He kind of did that for me too!”
He has, you know. God has been working miracles and shedding grace in my life for years, for over forty years now; but since I have really been paying attention, the miracles have been stunning.
I am still in need of miracles and mercy, as I suppose we all will be forever. I know that now and am no longer surprised by it. But what I also know is that gratitude and appreciation are so powerful. Gratitude and worship will literally transform our perspectives and often improve our actual circumstances.

What kinds of miracles have I seen?
God saved my youngest baby from a sudden, terrifying, life threatening brain event when she was a toddler. He helped her recover far beyond the doctors’ expectations, needing zero therapies afterwards. Just a few days after emergency surgery she was feeding herself grapes and giggling while my baby sister painted her nails.
For his mercy endureth forever.
God protected her a year later for another brain surgery, healing her perfectly despite so many things I cannot and will not even name.
For his mercy endureth forever.
God protected my first baby throughout a perforated appendix ordeal. A misdiagnosis from the pediatrician, extreme dehydration and pain, failure of the hospital to administer antibiotics, and so many related problems. He healed her. He relieved her pain between doses of morphine exactly when we laid hands on her and asked Him to help in Jesus’ name. He calmed the war between the families in order to get us all through the ordeal. He even helped us create unlikely bonds.
For his mercy endureth forever.
God timed our move away from the City so perfectly. This property became available (and the previous owners were in such a hurry to move) the same week Handsome received a promotion and significant raise at work. Every piece fell into place beautifully, and our dreams started forming right before our eyes.
For his mercy endureth forever.
When the farm house caught on fire a year after we bought it, God preserved my life and all of our animals’. He made the rough path of recovery really smooth and filled with blessings. The work required of us during those months ended up serving as a siphon for all the stress and grief that would come from unfathomable life changes that year.
For his mercy endureth forever.
When we were heartbroken God sent us friends that were closer than brothers and sisters.
For his mercy endureth forever.
When Handsome and I have been at odds with each other, God sometimes made us laugh and sometimes made us hurt so we turned toward one another again, standing together to face the world. Every time.
For his mercy endureth forever.
When we felt useless and irrelevant without our children, God gave us friends in need who accepted our love. He helped us feel that family glow in myriad ways and continued to spark our hope while soothing our nerves.
For his mercy endureth forever.
God gave Handsome a career that is more than a paycheck; it is an opportunity to do good in the world and make a difference.
For his mercy endureth forever.
They go on and on and on. Did we deserve even one of these blessings? No, far from it. Even the job-related blessings, the things for which we “work” are still expressions of abundant Love, forgiveness, grace, help at every turn. The miracles happen every year, every month, every single day. Constantly I see God’s hand at work in my life. He feeds me everything I need to be sustained both physically and spiritually. It’s overwhelming how much has happened in a strange, beautiful kind of way, thrilling outcomes that by every right should have been disasters.
For his mercy endureth forever.
What miracles have you seen in your life? What overwhelms your heart with gratitude and reminds you that God is in control of everything, no matter how dark it seems? Who in your life gently urges you to look up at the source of help instead of ahead to the next battle?
Thanks for joining me again, friends. I hope you are uplifted and encouraged. That you find a million reasons to say thank you. I hope that whatever you are facing can be surrendered in prayer. One day it all could become stories you tell about miracles and mercy.
O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good:
for his mercy endureth forever.
How blessed we are to know-that His mercy endureth forever! That so far we live in a country that we can shout it out loud, big and bold !! Thank you for sharing this precious word ! Beautiful to know His mercy endureth forever and surely, Goodness and Mercy go with us everyday!
Thank you for reading, Donna! It’s overwhelming and comforting when it rushes up like this.
Very touching. Thank you for sharing. And you’re so right, our attitudes make all the difference. God is always so good!
Thank you Christina! I am not surprised that a fellow gardener agrees. Love to you ma’am. xoxo
Keep looking up. I love that you record the heartaches and the praises. They will all be read and re-read. You are such an amazing person and bless all who come your way. My life has truly been changed in so many ways for the better since I have met you and BW. I also speak for Jeff and the kids. There could not be any more blessed children or husband in the world than yours! I pray every day for sunlight to shine and bring light on your lives so truth will shine even more as each day goes by. Hugs!
Beautiful my love. Once again you are the rock upon which my success is built. The breath of living within me. I love you more today than yesterday. Always, now, and forever.
How can we both be each other’s rock? How does that even work? ANF
very moving.. thank you for sharing
aww thank you Dennis. I so appreciate you reading. Hope you’re well. xo
Awesome……God is good ALL the time no matter what we are going through:)
Yes He is. It really doesn’t matter what we’re going through, does it? Love you Cindy. Thank you. xoxo