Because of the time change this past weekend, Hot Tub Summit now begins while the sky is still blacker than black. Even the birds are sill silent at this new hour. Today Handsome and I crept outside with two mugs of perfect coffee and let the scalding hot, bromine scented water deliver us gently from Monday to Tuesday. We watched the brilliant stars fade into a denim blue morning sky. And we spoke softly about our plans for the day. I felt my ribs ache pleasantly because my heart is so full right now. I think he mistook my quietness for something else.
Life is really good right now, friends. We are not without stress or hurt, for sure, and plenty of important questions remain unanswered. But we also are not without pleasure, hope, friends and family who love us, or purpose. Every day is packed with opportunity and energy.
Today, while my dutiful and talented guy is toiling passionately beneath florescent lights, balancing industry needs with consumer demands, making difficult and delicate management decisions, and bearing the brunt of ugly and irrational political agendas, I will be holding down this happy fort. Today I get to play in the dirt, soak up the sun, and embrace our silly animals. I get to clean our castle, play chef in the kitchen, and go for a long run. The blessings of my unique lifestyle are not lost on me. And I hope my husband knows how much I appreciate all of this.
I have lots of birthday weekend stories to share with you wonderful people, as well as one final installment of Unsolicited Advice. But this swell of gratitude could not wait. I wish everyone had someone to care for them as much as he cares for me.
If you’re a Commish friend and you see this today, please be extra good to Handsome for me. Know that he is even better than you already believe he is.
I Love You Sir.
Your husband knows and he hopes you know that you save him every day. You are the light that allows him to travel his destined path.
you are the light I see in his eyes… you are the smile on his face. Bran is blessed
I’m glad you are feeling so warm and full. The herb bed sounds just heavenly. God bless those bees.
You and Handsome are so blessed to have found each other. Your life sounds idyllic even though I know that there is stress and worries that only a few will understand.
Have a wonderful day my friend. I’m heading to the sewing room on this cool cloudy day. No gardening yet!!!
And to think he used to be into actions figures,cars and food, only. I know, I am his mother. Have a goo