Wow you guys! I am so happy for my friend Dee and all the much deserved attention she has enjoyed with her first book’s Valentine’s Day release. Gardeners and readers from all over God’s green earth have been scrambling to enter the giveaway here and at the other spectacular blogs participating. More importantly, though, people are buying her smart, gorgeous book. I hope you are too! The 20-30 Something Guide to Gardening is easily the most beautiful and accessible gardening book on my heavily laden shelves. I LOVE it.
Well, it’s time to announce the Longfield Gardens tulip & daffodil bulb giveaway winner.

From upwards of 70 entries, all of which made my heart go pitter patter with the overflowing garden passion and general sparkling friendliness, the randomly chosen winner is…
Debbie S.!!
She added this comment:
I have a perennial garden and a small vegetable garden. I seem to grow a lot of different salvias. I love the variety and how hummingbirds flock to most of them.
Yay Debbie, congratulations!! I hope you will stay in touch with us here at the W and let us know how your gardens do this year. Maybe post pics to the Facebook page of how you incorporate the flower bulbs into your gardens!
That goes for all of you. I am so thrilled to have met so many wonderful new people through this fun event. I hope to get better acquainted with everybody and share lots of garden knowledge and encouragement this season. And just some laughs along the way. Be sure you find this book and enjoy it. It is a treasure.
Thank you Dee for this unique experience. Thank you Longfield Gardens for the generous prize. And thanks to all of you fine people for participating. I hope we stay in touch. Happy Gardening!
“I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose
I would always greet it in the garden.”
~Ruth Stout
Yay, I am so excited. Believe it or not, I have never won anything. I will post pictures on Twitter or Facebook when I get them planted and when they bloom. I found your blog because of reading Dee’s blog. So, I wish her good luck on this book too. PS, I am the N. California gardener that tweeted that your blog was eclectic because I really liked it, and you have many interests and a different point of view. Thanks for doing the giveaway.