I’ll Be Gone in the Dark, the Golden State Killer book by Michelle McNamara. Sorry-not-sorry. Give me all the serial killer stories. I fell away from reading as much while we watched so many Halloween movies last month, but I’ve picked it back up again.
The recent blog post by Not Without Salt called “Getting Together.” She writes on the essentials of gathering around the table and confesses a youthful obsession with Martha Stewart, which I share, as all good girls form the 80’s do. Then she describes in relatable ways and with gorgeous photos how her get-togethers actually look these days. I adore (I MEAN ADORE) her idea of hosting a clean-out-the-fridge dinner party. Man. Yes, please. Let’s do it. Local friends, expect that phone call.
Umm, you guys I was included in an article for Women’s Running magazine! “Running at Every Age: Run for Life!” is in the October print issue and also online now. This is what happens sometimes to people who answer Twitter polls with too much enthusiasm. Please note: The author kind of says that I trained for a triathlon. I did not. That was a misunderstanding and I feel weird about it. But the rest of it is so good!
Half Baked Harvest just posted her luscious 2018 Thanksgiving menu, and it has my holiday vibes in overdrive. I want some of that cranberry-brie pull-apart bread as soon as possible.

The Norwegian mindset is always fascinating to me, and this list of ways to thrive in the deepest of winters is a good read. I mean, most years Oklahoma is a thousand times milder than Norway, but by our own standards we are looking at a very cold and snowy few months ahead, so I will keep these reminders handy.
I have been paying special attention to The Apartment recently, both for better productivity and for the upcoming house guest season, wahoo! So this list of 22 guest room tips by Nesting With Grace is much appreciated.

Our friend Kellie, truly one of the most gentle-strong people I have ever known, sent this devotional by Proverbs 31 Ministries, called “Process Before the Promise.”
Hoping doesn’t mean we ignore reality. No, hoping means we acknowledge reality in the very same breath that we acknowledge God’s sovereignty. Our hope can’t be tied to whether or not a circumstance or another person changes. Our hope must be tied to the unchanging promises of God. ~Lysa TerKeurst
Netflix is King, apparently. From the creepy and extraordinarily well-written series Haunting of Hill House to the four-part series Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat I kinda love television again. Have you caught episodes of either of these fantastic series?
Yoga With Adrienne you guys. Check out her recent episode called, “Creating Space.” The boys and I did this one last Monday evening before dinner, and it was everything my body and spirit needed.
Oprah’s podcast had fallen off of my radar for a while, but a nudge from a running friend got me listening again. This episode featuring author Michael Pollan is just so good. It’s soothing, not preachy. And I especially appreciate his gardening comments.
A garden should make you feel you’ve entered privileged space — a place not just set apart but reverberant — and it seems to me that, to achieve this, the gardener must put some kind of twist on the existing landscape, turn its prose into something nearer poetry.
A Few Snapshots of Life Lately:

OK friends, are you cheering for anyone at the NYC Marathon today? I am! Her name is Kim! And for the elites I am rooting for Allie. I have a measly 9 mile progression run and weights to do myself, then we are off for a lunchtime hike and picnic lunch with Mickey and Kellie. We are, the four of us, working on something really special that I will share eventually. It feels so good.
I wish you the happiest of Sundays. Enjoy this weather, all the gifts at your feet, and think of the very best possibilities. Feed them, the things you pray for, with your fertile imagination. Cultivate joy. It matters.
“Follow your heart’s knowing
rather than you mind’s guessing.”
Such love