Hello, welcome to Saturday again! This past week I have enjoyed some delicious, thought-provoking online reading material, taking a short break from books. After reviewing these saved links, it became obvious that I have been:
- hungry
- feeling very romantic and reflective
- craving miles
- still hungry
Then I realized it haaaas been Valentine season, so that might be why I am finding so many lovey-dovey treasures scattered about. And as for the non-romance-related posts? See for yourself:
- How Real People Really Make Love Ann Voskamp nails it again.
- 14 Signs You’re in the Right Relationship Not to brag, but… We totally got 14 /14. (brushes off shoulder and smooches spouse)
- Ten Big Truths for Every Committed Couple My friend Kelly wrote this series over a period of time and has been sharing it piecemeal on Facebook, to the delight of her online community. Rumor has it the whole series could soon be destined for the public 3-D bookshelf. (Yay!!) In the mean time, read this. It’s smart, practical, beautiful, inspiring. Just like Kelly. Who, by the way, is a licensed marriage and family therapist and marital researcher. She not only knows what she’s talking about; she cares deeply. Read and share these Ten Big Truths with other special couples.
- Being Fed I don’t visit Not Without Salt often enough, but when I do I am delighted by her voice, story, and clear, colorful, truly stunning photos. Read this short piece about being fed. It’s a food blog, but this is about more than a meal. Gorgeous.
- How to Make the Long Run a Good One Hungry Runner Girl shared this just when I needed it. She talks about fueling, which I am tweaking lately. But the most useful bit? Imagining and determining the long run to be good even before you lace up. Also, break up your distance into smaller chunks. This make the long stretch much more doable! With each increment your body is warmer and warmer, more pliable, more able to run another increment. Then all of a sudden you’re done! I love this advice and have put it into practice plenty since reading it.
- Sausage and Mushroom Risotto Even if you don’t want to prepare this recipe (why wouldn’t you?), please read Joy’s words for the sheer pleasure. I swear she could make cold, stale leftovers sound appealing. For the record, I definitely want to try this recipe, as my belly cannot seem to get enough mushrooms or starch.
- Grub Street Diet And this is a fun little food diary Joy kept for a popular website feature. Super cool. It almost made me want to translate a few days’ worth of My Fitness Pal entries into something more like a story. I love food.
- Colds are Caused by Conflict Okay, yes. Yes yes yes. Call me crazy (again), but I believe this and agree wholeheartedly. I also believe in straight-up old-fashioned germs of course, and I take medicine when I need to, but here is yet another expression of how our mental or psychic selves influence our physical bodies. Oh man.
- Ain’t No Mountain High Enough I love the OKC Thunder!!!
- Why Readers are the Best People to Fall in Love With Hubba hubba. xoxo
What have you been discovering to soak up with your smart little eyeballs? Have you signed up for Feedly yet? Tell me everything.
Happy Saturday friends!! Read your heart out.