I have so many more things to tell you about the marathon! So many. But the next piece is a bit lengthy, and it’s Friday, so how about a quick breather? Five quick little farm updates that have nothing to do with running. It’s a miracle.

- We have three new baby chicks. My friend Mrs. Robinson, who taught both of my girls when they were little (a million years ago) recently welcomed me into her new classroom of first graders, where I took a couple of our farm chicks to visit the kids. They were all busy tending to incubators full of hopeful little eggs and wanted to see what their feathery future might hold. Well, on Easter weekend three robust little yellow chicks entered the world, and this week was the perfect time for them to go live at the farm, literally. They are assimilating so nicely, and we love them. I’ll say again: There is nothing quite so sweet as having tender, chirping little baby chicks in your home. They soften the blow of living.
- I have finally purchased most of my warm-weather veggies, and I have that early-summer giddiness happening in my belly and on my bare arms. The weather this weekend should be in the high eighties, maybe even the nineties, and this is my sweet spot. So excited. We’ll be doing lots of garden updates very soon!
- New books! I had a crazy long lunch break while subbing seventh grade today and had forgotten to bring a book to read, so I went to the local library and scooped up a stack of goodness. While supervising an afternoon video marathon in Science class, I plowed through 130 pages of Stephen king’s On Writing. It’s a book I’ve been wanting to read for ages, and so far it is exceeding my expectations. I also checked out Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis and A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway, two more titles over which I’ve been really salivating. One or two others, I can’t remember now. I’ll definitely post reviews here soon.
- Tomorrow is another Zombie Bolt 5k,and this time it’s a mud run obstacle-course style event. It should be a blast! Really cool people, really fun times. And the weather could not be better for it. Handsome and I get into costume and everything. So much fun!
- I crave to run like you would not believe. I’ve eaten well and exercised very lightly all week, until one fried food meal tonight. (I made the mistake of waiting until I was exhausted to find food.) But my body just craves a good, long escape like crazy. SORRY! I mentioned running. Sue me. If I show you these cute babies will you forgive me?

Okay! Please tell me something going on in your world! Any animals stories? Any new books? What’s growing in your garden? Going for a run this weekend?
“Just living is not enough.
One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.”
Hans Christian Andersen
You are adorable! I wish I had the guts for a zombie run. I know this is silly but I really am scared of zombies! Even if they aren’t real.
haha!! Ok you MUST sign up for a zombie run some day. It is CRAZY motivating to run fast, and even if they are fake it is so so so scary and FUN. haha Thanks for stopping by Kyra! xo
Ready to run! When is the first smallish event that I can use as a goal?
eeek!!! So happy about this!! Any 5K that appeals to you, or even small training runs in beautiful locations! I am gonna be all over you haha XOXO
Marie. Congratulations on your run last weekend. I live NW of Guthrie on a farm. Have critters, garden , etc.
I loved your citizenship test and would love the answers. I have “commented”
a couple times but don ‘t think they getthru. I am new at my I-pad so maybe I am doing something wrong!!!!!!!!!! Hope you get this.
Hi Martie, thank you!! I did get a note from you and tried to reply myself, haha! Maybe we should email. Yes I will definitely post those answers soon. I am so glad you took the test, will you share your score?? ; ))
Really nice to meet you, thanks for the congratulations too! xo
I absolutely love what you said about the sound of chicks softening the blow of real life. Perfect.
Tomorrow I’ll be reading my piece on motherhood at Listen To Your Mother. Can’t wait!
Hi Stephanie!! Man, it’s true right. About the chicks? I love the sounds.
Best wishes at LTYM!! I was sad to not go this year, keeping it on my sharp radar though. I know your piece will be awesome! xoxo
And you know, if Stephen King floats your boat more than Anne Lamott, well that’s just dandy. More than one way to float your boat and all that.
I am taking it in as it comes, resisting pre-conceived notions, but I must say it’s been enthralling. Doesn’t hurt that I cut my teeth on his fiction. So why won’t he return my tweets?? LOL
Love that Hans Christian Anderson quote! “On Writing” has been on my reading list for a while. Farm stuff is always fun 🙂 I’m trying to figure out how to keep my chickens out of my fenced in garden. They’ve been demolishing my salad. SMH. And, fences don’t seem to bother my little goat.
Good luck with your running adventures!
Hi Dani! Adorable photo there, I love it! If you get around to On Writing, let me know what you think. I should finish it today. Would be faster but he has so many great suggestions I keep stopping to take notes or practice. LOL
As for voracious chickens… Right? Just this week mine have devoured my pretty green sweet potato vines and are now eye balling the spinach and melons. YIKES. Like we don’t feed them enough already? haha Good luck, thank you for stopping in!!
I will either actually run the 5k or walk the half marathon next year.
Oh dear.