I am fresh out of words, mostly. Or maybe I just don’t trust myself with words today. This weekend has been so lovely. Here are a few photos. They represent the tip of the happy December iceberg, and as I jam out this quick blog post on Sunday evening I am more than content and very much looking forward to the new week.
A very silly, casual night on the town with good friends. So many good laughs!
The cutest little girl puppy I have not met yet.
My baby sister added me to Snapchat and probably regrets it. Mostly she just replies with a photo of her thumb in the “thumbs up” position. I don’t mind.
I am really, really, really into Christmas lights. So into them. Long live Christmas lights!
Having fun assembling little headbands in between apron and towel orders. There are a million and one uses for fabric scraps, you guys!
Friday night I needed emergency ice cream and chocolate; tonight I needed emergency salty carbs. All of this plus some whole wheat penne made my belly feel magical.
Now Handsome and I are watching funny Christmas videos and Klaus is being passive-aggressive when he doesn’t get his way by wrecking my big poofy pillows.
How was your weekend?
Merriest of Christmases! ANF