Happy Wednesday! I am taking another stab at vlogging this week, linking up again with Mama Kat and answering a handful of “In a Perfect World” questions. This little exercise was particularly fun because it got me thinking about how close to perfect my life already is. I do walk around feeling incredibly grateful, but when asked that famous Law of Attraction question, “What is it you WANT?” I was pleasantly surprised to see that already life is bringing many of my wishes straight to my lap. Some of them are in the form of opportunities which I have to tend myself; and some of them rely on outside forces and move more slowly than others, but that’s okay. Often the best things take a lot of time. I have no desire to rush them.
Also, let’s celebrate this awesome freeze frame. I mean. That’s attractive, folks. You are welcome.
Around the 1:41 mark, I mention an old SNL skit featuring the prosecution for the OJ Simpson trial. “I-swear-to-god-I’ll-cut-my-bangs!!” if you remember this joke and get this reference, please let me know. You have the power to help me feel so normal and culturally relevant.
Carry on, and have a lovely day!! I am off to scoop manure into the compost heap and try to find a grey paint color that will pull together our rustic pine bedroom furniture with all the artwork I crave upstairs.
In a perfect world maybe we would realize how perfect the world already is.
I am lucky because what I want is you. ANF
I had to look up the Dana Carvey bit you referenced, and I’m happy to report that it’s the same one where he talks about the JUDICIAL system. Love it!
I swear you have one of the most thoughtful souls. There is no way I could articulate my hopes for loved ones so succinctly in a video and you do it so effortlessly. They’re lucky to have you. 🙂 And I am definitely ready to see some farm animals. Bring it on!