Yesterday I was on the rusty, jagged edge of cranky and was rude to our microwave.
Today I feel light years better. I woke up early, fully rested, happy to see our Christmas lights twinkling on the shiny clean wood floor. In a couple of hours after finishing chores and running again (FINALLY) I expect to feel like myself again. Here is a super quick health/fitness update that I would have posted for Motivation Monday had I the motivation to do so, haha:
The first week of December was okay. Not spectacular, but not a disaster either. I only did a 30 Day Shred video once and ran 12 of the 30 miles I’d set as my goal, but really, what was I thinking for such a busy week? On the plus side I did eat mostly healthy food and learned or was reminded of a few important lessons:
- When you eat to fuel your running you had better run, haha! Otherwise you feel fluffy and cranky. I can only speak for my own mind and body, but too many bowls of cereal/pasta without the attendant miles just makes for a weird chemistry. No bueno.
- Vitamins are great but an iron supplement (for me! Check with your doctor!) is crucial. I cannot believe how flimsy I feel after a week without it. I came very close to fainting three times last week, which surely had something to do with not mustering the oomph to run or hang out with Jillian Michaels.
- Choosing a focus sets our perspective. I have to remind myself of this a lot! It is so real. What we perceive we believe. Thoughts manifest themselves, etcetera. (Just don’t bother telling this to Mitt Romney.*)
- Five days off feels like an eternity, especially when unplanned, but it is not quite the fitness Armageddon you think it is. Just shake it off and start again. Stop making such a big deal of it. (I honestly expected to have gained a thousand pounds, or at least four or five, over this super weird weekend, but I gained zero and actually feel pretty normal as I type this.) Remember that not exercising can let your appetite relax, too, so you know, relax.
What do you have on tap for December wellness? I really would love to hear. Do you feel that paying attention to your body helps your mind, and also vice-versa? Do you notice that negative thoughts about yourself can trigger a dip in activity or a downward spiral in productivity at work?
I mentioned last Monday that Monica might be offering a December challenge, and she is! I am a week behind of course, but it’s simple and fun and totally worth diving in. Check it out here.
Happy Tuesday!
“Energy and persistence conquer all things.”
~Benjamin Franklin
* Oh hey! If you don’t get this Mott Romney reference, check in later this week for the story. Especially if you know Handsome in real life you will get a laugh.
Martie Brown says
My blood pressure was out of control. Doctor said loose weight. Lost 10 pounds. WALLA, normal.
thelazyw says
Yay Martie, that is wonderful news!! How did you lose the 10 so quickly? And I have to admit that I had to actually read your sentence out loud 3 times before I understood WALLA haha! : ))~
Martie Brown says
I just cut portions back. It was easy. We eat healthy. Sometimes we cheat.
Heather @ new house new home says
Glad you’re having a better day, my friend.
thelazyw says
Thank you sweet lady, I appreciate that so much!! xo
Brittany says
Your tweets made me laugh, they reminded me of how I feel when I’m frustrated. What iron supplement do you use? I have yet to find one that agrees with my digestive system. I do have some liquid thing I take when I remember to, but I tend to forget to take it every day and then it goes bad after a few weeks.
thelazyw says
haha, your responses made ME laugh, so there! LOL I suppose rough days are pretty normal. xo
As for iron, I actually got a prescription about a year ago for some crazy strong Tony Stark amount, but I only filled it once. Not for any particular reason, just laziness. Now wen I remember to I buy OTC supplements in the highest dose available, as long as it is slow release. That detail seems to be key and might help you. I already feel better today. No joke. About a year ago my anemia was made worse by running and I developed this weird (but kinda cool looking) purple design on my left hip. It’s so faint now. LOL I almost miss it but like feeling strong.