Supposedly this works, giving the illusion of walking on properly girlish high heels. But the truth is that doing so greatly diminishes your pedestrian dexterity. What you might gain in “firmness” you definitely lose in grace.
And an already mossy concrete ramp is a terrible place to be not graceful. I promise you that being caught in this situation while in lake attire is humbling.
So the short walk from truck to dock turns into a desperate evaluation of my fitness plan. And suddenly, between dodging those concerned glances from other boat loading Okies, I am thinking a lot less about zooming over the choppy water with Handsome and more about how to improve my situation before our next lake jaunt. Pitiful. Waste of sunshine.
Happily, the water racing is so dang much fun that the Longest Walk is quickly forgotten. Within minutes I am aboard, screaming and guffawing while we chase other people’s wakes and make plenty of our own. I have at least a few days to make the next Longest Walk a little shorter.
The End.
well, at least it ended well. But nothing like a good walk to get your mind racing with all sorts of things.