Friends, the wedding was so magical. I’ll write more about it later, but for now… You know how I love to wake up the morning after we’ve hosted a special event and feel how the farm has absorbed all that energy? Soak up the residual loving vibrations? Well, no surprise, a wedding leaves an exceptional loving vibration that I was very happy to soak up this morning.
Handsome and I woke up a bit sore and weary, but in the happiest way, you know? A truly pleasant exhaustion, the kind that can only come from having swam for a few days solid in a deep ocean of love and laughter. We slept until an unheard of 7:36 a.m. and looked outside to see lots of wedding and reception details still gracing the farm. I thought I’d share some photos form my walkabout and let you enjoy the echo with me.
I cannot overstate how sweet and appreciative, how hard working and loving the bride and groom were throughout this process. And Handsome and I made a thousand fun memories with the parents, too! My husband and the bride’s Dad, Steve, are distant cousins but grew up together, so this was much more like a brothers-and-niece situation. I loved it. I loved every single minute, and I cannot believe it’s suddenly over.
More soon. Now, some rest.
Happy Labor Day weekend friends!