Smile at people who aren’t smiling.
Get excited when the weather changes suddenly and dramatically.
Are nice to waiters and waitresses, even not very good ones.
Can see intricate shapes in the clouds and are happy to point them out.

I love people who will describe their food to me in exquisite detail
and who have to make an effort to eat slowly because it’s just so good.
Who will talk about their next meal while eating this one.
Don’t mind long, somewhat rambling stories and who, in fact,
ask silly little questions along the way.
I love people who understand the difference between cluttered and dirty…
And between a collection and a hoard…
And between eclectic and crazy. Not that crazy is all that bad.
I love people who respect that everyone mourns differently.
Who don’t judge each other for not displaying grief and pain publicly.
I love people who sing along to rap music with great enthusiasm,
as if the lyrics all apply directly to their life.
And who sing along to country music with salty twangs, whether genuine or not.
I love people who love babies and old people equally.
But are ever so slightly unnerved by cats and frogs.
I love people who are world-class experts at something beautiful or difficult,
but scarcely anyone knows about it. Perhaps they are even self-taught. How wonderful.
Who get emotional over nature, the art and science of it.
And who feel connected to certain parts of nature in such a way
that they feel displaced everywhere else on the planet.
And who feel similarly about books or movies or artwork or music. Anything, really.
I love people whose cars smell really good.
Who make eye contact easily.

Who can remain calm in the midst of a life storm, gathering their energies
and creating a nest of love and safety.
And who quote the Bible with love and for the edification of others.
And they believe every word.
Do any of these lines describe you?
Then I love you, and I bet hundreds of other people do, too.
And I wish you the most beautiful, restful, battery charging Sunday possible.
I hope you get a glimpse of dreams coming true.
I hope you get a boost of faith for unanswered prayers.
I hope you get clear, calm direction if you are feeling lost.
Thank you so much for stopping by the Lazy W.
Now you tell me something you love about people.
You are not alone. You are loved.