It was Wednesday afternoon. The farm was clean and quiet, and nothing on the schedule threatened interruption. The water tank had been prepared, and the time was right.
So I lit a few candles and pressed play on my favorite love songs album, thinking Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman singing Come What May from the Moulin Rouge soundtrack would be a good beginning for such a risky venture.
I ripped open the square paper packet of instant live eggs and tenderly peppered them into the distilled, treated water. Someone in the other room started playing a weepy violin, which is weird because nobody else was here and no one I know plays the violin. Was that an omen?
The eggs fell like glitter through the water. I covered the little plastic tank with my favorite cotton tea towel, the one with owls on it, thinking maybe the image of a fierce predator will help ensure the Sea Monekys’ safety.
A quiet, trepidatious beginning to be sure. But a beginning nonetheless.
As in all things with love, patience, my dear, patience.
Splendid! May your Sea Monkeys be many! And maybe yours will wear little crowns and build civilizations like in the pictures. With such an auspicious beginning, how could they not?
Patience, love, and owl tea towels. I’m pretty sure that’s how all this world’s greats have been conceived. Well done!
LOL, we had sea monkeys for MONTHS before the water evaporated to a dangerously low point and as my Husband watched me panicking over their demise, he dumped the poor little guys into the toilet.
I posted my Liebster Blog Award blog. Thank you so much for nominating me!
Ah, sea monkeys…ours did great right up until the little tank tipped off the big shelf it was on.
Always a good thing, taking the first step, getting started, placing all your eggs in one water filled tank 😉