This fire-and-ice rose bush was one of the first gifts Handsome ever gave me, before we were married. It’s been through many transplants and lots of extreme weather over the years. I am so happy to see it bursting with fresh new blooms today!
Plus I just got Instagram for Android, so… this is just about the funnest thing ever. I may never use a real camera again.
Fire and Ice…
Kind of Like Romance …
Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4
instagram is my lovah! My Husband makes fun of me because of it, BUT he just got it for his phone as well. 😉
My daughter keeps telling me I need Instagram. Haven’t got it yet. How can I possibly add ONE MORE THING to my to-do list? Ever feel that way? Your roses are beautiful. I’m afraid we just killed two rose bushes a few weeks ago. They had to be moved…but I’m afraid they’re goners. Makes me so sad because they were really pretty! Wishing you a Wonderful Easter, Marie!