What a Saturday! What a grateful first half of a weekend.
After too many consecutive days of working too hard for too long each day, Handsome has finally joined me for some slower paces and quieter rooms. I could not be happier. I have been at the farm all week, but with him here I really feel at home.
Late last night M Half and I returned from a really fun book club dinner with eleven fabulous women and agreed it had been one of our best days ever. We said our sweet dreams to each other and went our separate ways. Then I crept into bed and found my guy already on the edge of a delicious, sleepy coma. The good kind of coma that overtakes a person warmly, gradually, heavily, like an old, weighty quilt in a cold room. Even in the dark I could see the cloak of rest all over his body. We let the History channel usher us past midnight and into the deepest recesses of sleep. I woke up at some point with confusing images of Andrew Jackson and Jeff Bridges from Tron. Weird. But it all made plenty of sense at the time.
This morning we all enjoyed perfect coffee as the sun was yawning over the farm. I made biscuits and either cheese or veggie omelets for everyone. And M Half and I crammed in some more lofty conversation about things like food origin (trying to exact our convictions without being judgmental). Her visit was drawing to a close. She has been at the farm since Wednesday and today is traveling to Colorado for an annual snow shoeing event with her good friend and fellow book clubber Kerri. (Hi Kerri!) But this morning we all lingered for more friendship, stretching the hours a little too far, allowing M Half and Mia some extra bonding time.
This photo was actually taken on Friday during an all day cuddle fest.
After saying goodbye to M Half, Handsome and I explored our neighborhood for a while looking in vain for garage sales and auctions. We returned home and saw that his sweet parents had delivered some little surprises for us in our absence, and we got a giggle.
This is a salvaged plywood box reserved sternly with an inked up strip of masking tape.
We have big plans for it around here.
We have big plans for it around here.
We sneaked inside (as if someone might try and stop us) to recharge our batteries a little more, eat some lunch, cuddle, and nap. It was so restorative.
Eventually we found our way back outside. Back into the sun. To warm our own feathers.
Handsome worked on Daphne’s hooves for a while and checked her sore muscle, which is getting better every day. Daphne cuddled while I brushed her, and the chickens supervised.
Dusty, the girls’ little gray and white horse, has been due for some rope time for a while, and today he got it. He did so well! I watched comfortably from the edge of the field, joined the entire time by Mia and part of the time by Daphne. Handsome looked pretty good holding the lungeing rope and whip, too.
A few more hours of generally soaking up the sun, ignoring the cold wind, and nibbling at projects here and there, distributing treats to our four-leggeds, and our afternoon was full. Nearly every moment of being outdoors Mia was on my lap.
Today I had the pleasure of watching my overworked and over stressed husband gradually untangle himself from everything that had put him under that heavy cloak of rest on Friday night, mostly from the collective weight of it all. After a plain but heavy carb dinner of spaghetti, we have been continuing this marathon vegging. Almost new. Getting closer.
Wait, we might need tomorrow off too.
Oh, I want to be a fly on your wall! What a soothing existence you’ve built for yourself.
Aww Tiff… thank you. I would love you to visit if it’s ever possible! I know M Half wants to meet you too. We can dream. xo Have a wonderful week!!
My name is Jeannie and I am the former mistress of MIA… I am really glad he is doing well and adjusted to your farm.. I knew “Poultry & Bees” would find him a great home for us when we were called away on a new Military Assignment. Thank you for taking care of him.. I loved him and our Boer Goat GIGI(she was adopted by another friend of ours) deeply.. found their presence in my life a positive one… although my hubster would beg to differ on MIA.. ha ha ha if ya catch my drift..lol I still believe the LoRd brings people and animals into our lives for a reason.. as I certainly had mine with MIA & GIGI.. Thanks again
Wow, Jeannie, how thrilling to hear from you! I cried like a baby when I read your words, because I know how hard it is to say goodbye to any animal, but MIA is extra special. I think of you pretty frequently, worried about you and your daughter missing him. Clearly he is used to being deeply and constantly loved. xoxo As for your hubster, you can tell him things haven’t changed much in that part of this sweet gander’s new life. LOL This weekend my guy has had skin broken twice. I have to run blocker A LOT. Thank you SO MUCH for stopping by my blog and saying hello, I am about to seek out yours now. Please visit again! I’ll go tell MIA you said hello. And try not to cry again. xoxo
thanks for the sentiments regarding my daughter(Aleisha) and I’s heartsick for Mia… and for visiting my blog and saying howdy yourself.. I have one of my favorite pics of Mia in my April 2011 posts of Him with Priscilla aka “Pookie” our Foster daughter… she was sharing her snack with him… He was extremely protective over her as well and when she was just a newborn and would cry.. he would go after any one(human or animal) he thought was hurting her or making her fuss like she was. He is a wonderful companion goose… .. between Mia… GiGi and a few of our turkeys they all thought human companionship was the best thing since … I dont know…hay or bird seed..lol.. I am glad he is happy and adjusted … that is all I could ever had hoped for.. again thank you..
I love your brand of R&R!
What a perfect time. And oh, I got to see Mia. If Mia ever becomes a bother, perhaps you could post him to me. He is beautiful. Life is never more pleasant than when we get to see the people we love being blessed and enjoying themselves, or spending time in warmth, wrapped up in love and doing things that please.