Happy Marathon Monday!
Well, last week started off pretty strong. On each of Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I ran a little more than the prescribed miles, getting my midweek total up to fifteen before I spent Thursday and Friday subbing at a local school. On those days I skipped or “rested” (as a side note, I love how in running you can skip a workout and call it resting…) and definitely felt the energy building in my body; I craved a big, exhausting depletion. The plan then was to join that south OKC running club very very very very early Saturday morning for at least ten miles, and I was super excited. They run “out and backs” which is a lot different than running quarter-mile laps for a million years. I had discovered with that short series of urban runs recently that I can go much longer and more happily this way. Anyway, I looked forward to the miles, the variety, and the new friendly faces including Carrie who has welcomed me so warmly. But threat of Oklahoma weather kept me home with Handsome in those cozy wee hours, so I rounded out the week with just five more miles here at the farm. We suffered through cuddling and hot tub romancing, you guys. Life is rough.
Overall, it was a mediocre week for training. I had 24 miles planned and ran 20 at a really good, solid-for-me pace. And yes, I see clearly how right now I am barely accomplishing in one week what will be asked of me all on one beautiful morning this April. (gulp)
It’s not terrible results. In fact it was slightly better than the previous week with regard to planning; but I could have made a better effort with cross training or just plain sucking it up outdoors to stay with the program and get every mile clocked.
How this new week will play out is whole new set of question marks. In Oklahoma we are currently buried in beautiful, fluffy snow and expect loads and loads more tomorrow and again at this Friday. I make it a rule to not run on ice, but snow? Surely that’s ok. It might be a great workout, actually. Yesterday afternoon we did some four-wheeling in the west field, so my path is somewhat cleared by those tire marks. We’ll see.

Okay! Happy Monday, friends. I am off to feed the big animals their protein mix and a few extra thousand piles of good, sweet hay to keep their bellies warm. Then maybe I’ll run outside. Handsome’s Dad and I are spending much the week together, and I am excited to see what that brings. Please check in here throughout the week for a couple of interesting book reviews, a brownie taste test announcement, gardening ideas, and more apiary journal memories. Lots going on at the W. What are you up to today?
“Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius.”
~Pietro Aretino (15th century Italian poet)
Happy Monday! Noah took a half-day to help me clean the house, but we’re going to go see a movie instead. Resting is so necessary and good for our souls.