Is it just me or is there suddenly about seventy million times the reading material available than there used to be? In print, online, everywhere? It’s a wonderful problem to have, really, but I have struggled staying caught up with my favorite writers and bloggers. With a little schedule tweaking (i.e., reworking mindless television and Facebook hours each week), I’ll catch up in a flash. In the mean time, just in case you too are having trouble wrangling internet gems, how about a weekend compilation? Some of my favorite people have been offering this for a while, and I love it. Here goes.
A Reception
First up, my beautiful friend Sonya has shared her beautiful daughter Kayleigh’s bridal shower photos. Especially if you are in the planning stages of a bridal event or any really feminine fete, you owe it to yourself to take a gander. So luscious. I am particularly crazy about the mix of florals and stripes, crystals and paper.

A Respite
Another friend has me hypnotized for literary reasons. Brittany wrote this past week about the dazzling minutiae of life in the emerald forest, and as usual with her writing, I couldn’t get enough. Every syllable on her blog drips with both poetry and grit, and I never ever want her posts to end. How often can you say that honestly? Read this entry called Drunk in Love then browse around there for a while. I bet you fall in love like I have. And if the bad news is that her blog posts always end too soon, then the good news is that she has a full length novel releasing soon. Stay tuned for that!
Brittany is one of those women who can wear red lipstick like a boss. It’s a lie that everyone can do this.
A Recipe
Local foodie author and television cook Katie Johnstonbaugh, who also happens to be one of the sweetest, warmest, most prayerful people you will ever meet, offers lot of original recipes on her website Dishin & Dishes. This one really got my attention: Triple Berry Pretzel Salad Dessert in a Jar. YUM. Something I appreciate about Katie’s recipe collection is how she freely gives kitchen tips and tricks. In this entry she shares a whipped cream secret I can’t wait to try.

So there you have it! My offering to you of a reception, a respite, and a recipe. I hope you click around through these blogs and get acquainted with a few of my favorite writers and creatives. Now. The internet is a crowded place and time passes quickly. Give me some links I shouldn’t miss!
“There is just one life for each of us: our own.”