It’s early Tuesday morning following the 2013 OKC Memorial marathon. The sun is still snuggled deep in the purple-black folds of the eastern sky. I am only half a cup of perfect coffee into this new day. Nothing is awake outside. Not a rooster, not a horse, not even the cranked up tree frogs who will serenade us to sleep if we let them. Wait, I do hear a goose. I think we all know which one.
The house feels hot and stuffy, so I open the kitchen door and enjoy the crisp breeze that promises another gorgeous day. Now the dining room is flooded with delicate birdsong and the hum of the interstate a couple of miles south.
I feel like anything is possible.
I know that anything is possible, so I choose my thoughts and prayers carefully. With those tightly reined, I can dream wildly. With abandon and trust.
My feet crave the cool, spongy path of clover between the raised garden beds. My shoulders crave the sun. My eyes and nose crave a broad, curving expanse of herbs growing outside the kitchen window. I want to swim in the pond that is still topping its highest ridge. I want to explore the forest, napping on the thick pine needle mattresses and finding wild mushrooms and roses.
I want to love the people close to me more fiercely and more gently than ever.
Running the half marathon was one of the most positive experiences of my life. Until finishing it myself, I would have found that statement a bit cliche. So if you want to roll your eyes when you read that, I get it. Truly. But you guys… So many unexpected things happen in your mind and your body on long runs; and then so many more things happen when you share a long run with thousands of strangers… particularly in remembrance of such an event as the Murrah Building Bombing of 1995. Ignoring the myriad awakenings would be such a waste.
So today, two days after the event, my heart is full in ways I did not expect. I love our beautiful renaissance City even more. I feel more bonded to our people, the strangers for sure but also and especially my parents in law and my brother and nephew. I feel like celebrating life more fully than ever.
There is so much reason to celebrate.
There is so, so much living to do!
How are you going about it today?
Congratulations on your successful run. I have heard so many people say what a significant sense of well being they had after a marathon. I admire you and your city for honoring the memory of the 1995 bombing. Bravo!
You’re my hero, Marie! I was thinking of you and praying for you on Sunday and I’m so glad that it was such a wonderful experience. I am in awe of your stamina.
I will celebrate this gorgeous life by unplugging (as soon as I finish this comment) and tending to the myriad delights that await me all around my home in this beautiful, breezy sunshine. You inspire, darling! xo