It’s been a full day here of laundry, ironing, organizing, filling water troughs, feeding animals, and cleaning the chicken coop. I managed to write a little bit then stumble through a p90x video, which makes me happy. At 4:50 I am freshly showered. Waiting for Friday to truly arrive with my husband’s homecoming. The house is clean and quiet, my mind is mercifully calm, and the biggest questions in my heart are faced down for now. I do not feel one tiny bit guilty for an afternoon cup of coffee and a piece of toast slathered in Nutella. Well, maybe a tiny bit. But that feeling pales against the blank canvas of possibility that keeps stretching out in front of me everywhere I look.
Happy weekend everyone! No, happy life. Happy life to you no matter what difficulty comes your way, no matter what pain you feel or what regret you harbor. Happy life to you in every sense of the word. Find that long view again, then live in the moment. Accept your blessings and use them to be a blessing to others. Savor your adventures and surprises. Enjoy your life in small, simple ways. Love slowly and deeply. Protect your peacefulness when it is threatened, and let it grow. Trust that Love conquers all. xoxoxo
So beautifully written, and beautiful contents. Happy weekend and happy life to you too 🙂
Thank you Inger! It’s been bumpy lately, trying to reclaim that deep peace and enjoy this beautiful life. xo
“Protect your peacefulness when it is threatened, and let it grow.” This may be the very best advice I’ve read in quite some time. So valuable. I love your description of the very best feeling – that peaceful anticipation of a Friday afternoon about to begin. Love it. You have the most wonderful of wonderfuls, my dear!
Thank you… and thanks for being one of my thinking pillars too. enjoy those sweet monkeys!! xo
You. You inspire me. You remind me of all the good and wonderful and fun. And you kinda make me want to become W-2 deficient.
xoxo miss you!
LOL… M, I miss you too. Have a happy weekend!!
Beautifully written Marie! I wish you a happy life too!
(speaking of happiness I have a review of the happiness project on the blog. I thought you might be interested since it’s on your to read list on goodreads)
Thank you Carin! I’ll go read your review, that book has been on my list for a while, really interested in it. : ) By the way, wonderful senses tour last week…had trouble commenting, but I really liked that.
This is just filled with so much joy. I can feel it spilling over.
Happy life for you too!