What a week. What a season! Is your heart as brimming as mine, and are your mind and body also craving some strong, maybe boring routine? This first full work week back at it has been wonderful for that. Every year, though they wipe us out in some ways, the holidays grow in their power to inspire and nourish me. It all bolsters me for our plain and simple regular life, which I love deeply.

Ok. In the spirit of reclaiming some routine, how about a good old fashioned Saturday read-watch-listen roundup? As always, I would love to know what input you’re enjoying, too. Let’s do this.
READ: Over the holiday break and into this week I have enjoyed three books that, despite being very different topics with vastly unique authors, are surprisingly harmonious. I will try to share detailed reviews of each, because they are deserving and I think many of you will find them perfect complements for your life journeys. So nourishing and provocative.
- The Sacred Enneagram by Christopher Heuertz
- The Passion Paradox by Brad Stulberg & Steve Magness
- The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr
- Tell Me Who I Am (Netflix). Wow. Watch at your own risk, friends. The description lured me in, a fascinating topic, but the story takes a deep, dark twisted nosedive. I watched it on the treadmill one day, and it was unsettling to say the least.
- All the Star Wars movies in story timeline order!! This was my husband’s idea after we saw the newest film in the theater. It was great fun and an excellent way to force some down time over Christmas break.
- Yellowstone series. Man. Gorgeous scenery. Incredible actors. Intense story lines and character evolution. Loved it all!
- podcast by Run4PRs lately has been especially great. Victoria offers valuable stuff on staying healthy during cold & flu season, self belief, tempo work, and more. Love it.
- podcast episode by Bulletproof Radio with guest Dr. Andrew Weil: They discuss the mind-body connection (are we just one organism actually?) and the placebo effect, breathing techniques, different cultures’ attitudes toward aging, and lots more. I was especially fascinated to hear there is a university now offering a curriculum on the science of coincidence. WHAT. Can I audit that class?
- podcast episode by Marathon Training Academy interviewing Coach Bob Larsen This was both fun and informational. I had a glancing familiarity with Larsen after reading Deena Castor’s book Let Your Mind Run, and he shared more about his own life in this interview. It also put on my radar a documentary called City Slickers Can’t Stay With Me. Have you seen it?
Okay as I wrap this up, the farm is still dark and we hear sleet falling outside. No snow yet, but my fingers are crossed. Our work is caught up, and I even washed my hair yesterday, ha! So assuming we keep power, today could be an amazing rest day. I plan to soak it up.
Happy weekend, friends! Thank you for checking in. Carpe your diem.
“Lose yourself in the work.”
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