Oh you guys. Lately when I sit down at my keyboard to tell you farm stories and share my heart, I freeze up.
As much as I love allowing words and emotions to flow, right now our biggest life headlines are intensely personal. They are too private for this blog and also not entirely my story to tell. Our family has been enduring big changes for several years but in particular this past year. And even more recently than that, this past month has brought change and revelation which I have felt coming for a long time but which are still new and huge, much more for our loved ones than us.
(Sometimes I have to remember that I haven’t shared that stuff with you guys, so how would you know what the heck I’m talking about or why I’m always asking for prayer? Maybe sometime in the future I will share more of it. Now is just not the time.)

Still I am trying daily to sort through my thoughts and experiences and find something useful to share with you. I also hope you’ll have something magical to say in response. Here is what’s on my heart today.
Often the things for which we hope and pray come in God’s time, not ours. And while the seasons may change gradually, doesn’t it seem like both tragedies and miracles come suddenly? That’s certainly been our experience. And it’s also been our experience that tragedies and miracles are closely intertwined. Some people call them mixed blessings or silver linings. And these things ring true. But to me the bigger truth is that what blesses one person can sometimes cause great pain for another. Navigating this becomes a matter of adjusting our perspective and refining our focus on God’s will, not ours. We are tasked with seeking peace on every level, trusting Him, resisting fear and bitterness, feeding Love constantly. Refusing to ask those nagging questions that start with the words, “But what if…”

So once again Handsome and I are right back to living one day at a time, often a few hours at a time, carefully watching and praying our way through one little situation after another. When I pause to see how we’re doing, I am happy. We’ve learned a lot through the ups and downs of the past five years, and we have been given millions of opportunities to prove what we’ve learned.

Are you in the midst of a season of change? Or are you waiting on a miracle or in need of refreshment? It is totally available.
Here is some encouragement for you:
- When change seems to be the only constant, God is there to help absorb the shock and guide the way.
- When we are broken hearted, God is there to mend us and comfort us.
- When we feel alone, we are not because He is there. He is never the one who turns away.
- When we feel powerless to help our loved ones in need, we are actually filled with power if we lean on God. His resources are unlimited.
- When peace seems threatened, we can remind each other that we have a choice. We can choose peace and choose love and choose faith… even if we’ve failed before.
- When things seem impossible, trust that your needs will be met. Just trust, ahead of proof.
- Where you allow your thoughts to swim is hugely important. Be sure your imagination is alligned with your faith.
Here’s a bigger encouragement for you:
God always keeps His promises, so don’t worry if it’s taking a long time.
Just find ways to make your waiting season count for something.
He honors faith, especially the faith that is painfully wrought.
And He sees every tear and hears every single prayer.
If you look for Him you will find Him.
If you move closer to Him, He will move closer to you.
These are all facts, all indelible marks on my heart for which I am so grateful.

I like to temper the big, heavy thinky stuff with daily pleasures like what’s going on in my garden. God has such a beautiful way of teaching us there, anyway. Life goes on. Cycles happen. Joy and hope are refreshed constantly. Facing the light is how we grow. Accepting deep nourishment carries us through the dry times.
There’s just so much.
Life here at the farm is good, friends. Really good. Not perfect, but overflowing with Love and faith, hope for unanswered prayers. We are strong and steady, trusting God to meet those needs we can’t meet ourselves. Handsome and I deeply appreciate your prayers, especially because you probably have no idea what we’re asking God to do.
But the beauty here is that we’re just asking Him to move. Just asking Him to have the final word in some painful situations, and whatever that is we know we will all be okay.
Tonight I am peaceful and happy. Overwhelmed by the possibility of a life fueled and controlled by Love.
How are you?
Love the old song-“Little is much when God is in it!” The tiniest of seeds, the Mustard seed is likened to our faith -we prepare the soil of our heart, then He brings our prayers ,through faith to a harvest!!
Hello Donna : )) I sure like it when you speak up. I feel like you say things Judy would say to us. And yes, while I don’t know that hymn, what true words! beautiful. Thank you for drawing the soil metaphor together. I love imagining our prayers as seeds. So exciting. xoxo Thank you for reading and for praying with us!
Once again you have stirred my heart with your words…I certainly hope that whatever weighs your soul down will be solved soon. I pray for you and your family…
Thank you as always, Heather! We are okay, all of us are. Or will be soon I am sure of it. When I step back and see all that has happened and all the ways prayer has carried us, and how beautiful life has been despite problems, it’s truly amazing. Thank you SO MUCH for your continued friendship and prayerful support! It has made all the difference. xoxo
Beautiful thoughts. Thanks for sharing them. Hope is so powerful and amazing in our lives. Praying for your family.
Thank you Christina!! Yes, hope is a strong force. It starts as a small little thing that just keeps us alive but grows and grows and takes on strength. AMAZING. Thank you for your daily friendship and sweet, cheerful notes always. We appreciate your prayers!! xoxo
Hello Marie,
I found much truth and wisdom in your post of this morning. I have noticed that sometimes seasons I have felt were trials did infact have blessings implanted in them. Also, once when I was contemplating “stocking up” on a sale item the thought occurred to me that it would be better to trust that I would have the money to buy what I needed when I needed it. I began telling myself “I have everything I need” and, I began noticing that it was true.
Often when I think about acquiring something and decide to at least wait and see what I can do with what I have I find I already have just the thing or something that works better! Not always right away but, as you said, in God’s time. Soon enough. There was more but this is long enough.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I truly believe that you have or will have whatever you need and that eventually you will see the gifts in these trials.
with love,
How funny you should mention that about stocking up. LOL My husband and I love the “prepper” tv shows and watch them and get silly ideas. And I like to keep my kitchen pantry well stocked anyway, but it occurs to me now and then that I should be a better steward, not spend so much while thinking I am saving, haha! But really your message is true… Trust that a) we have what we need and b) we will be able to buy what other things we need in the future. God has always provided. No need to worry.
Thank you a ton for stopping in and sharing your thoughts!! It’s what I love the most. And thank you for your encouragement too. xoxo