Our sweet little Chunk-Hi is happy doing lots of things in this world. He is just one of those people animals who is easily pleased, easily amused, and easily satisfied. But a few things in life really put him over the top. One of them is running free.
He always has free run of his own field, together with our horse of choice, and he employs that liberty with zeal. But when we release Chunk to roam the range, so to speak, he really kicks up his skinny little heels. Following are a few photos of our sweet buff enjoying a little elbow room.
We’re crazy about him. He likes us too, if only because we shower him with graham crackers and allow him running days like this.
Feel the Wind in Your Hair Today
This made me smile so much. He just looks like he’s having so much fun! And buffaloes just generally make me smile anyway.
That’s amazing – to think you have a buffalo amongst you is awesome. He looks so happy jumping around like that. Makes anyone smile.
I just have to admit that I am looking at these pictures again because they make me ridiculously happy.
Fubbalo!! One of the things I was silly excited about in meeting Green Goose in person was meeting this silly buffalo. Chunk has exceeded all my city-girl expectations of what a buffalo is like. He’s sweet and a helluva dancer. 😉 I didn’t get to witness the running documented here and for that, I’m bummed.
I do love to see photos of Chunk with the wind in his hair. GG, thank you for sharing this love with the world.
S. Stauss, I agree with you!