When you just now read that blog post title, did you sing the words to yourself? If so, then you probably followed with “Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme…” And chances are good that you already know this blog post is all about the herb garden. Thank you, Simon and Garfunkel, for setting my most favorite domestic activity to music.
I think all I had ever tried growing here were a few box wood shrubs I dug up for free from a neighbor, a rose bush, and maybe a handful of red cannas. Oh, sunflowers and poison ivy too. But you know how they basically grow themselves.
Finally, on a cold day this past February, I started bringing wheelbarrow loads of manure and rotting leaves to this spot. The rose bush was dying a slow death from Rose Rosette’s disease; the thrifted box woods were leggy and sparse; and the earth was not even a tiny bit yielding. Breaking it up with love was my only hope. So I just piled it on. For a month or so this hard, dormant stretch of the farm received several inches of organic matter as well as the full force of my greedy imagination.
I thought you smelled like Herb the other night…. by the way… the title was lost on me… guess I just don’t know quirky music…
I love my Scarborough Fair patch of herbs in the vegetable garden. There is nothing so rewarding as going out in the evening and picking fresh herbs to use in your dinner. This week I made Scarborough Fair pork tenderloin – parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme chopped up and sprinkled all over before grilling. Yum.
Your patch of herbs is gorgeous – I’m a mulch convert too!! Well done, my friend. No longer the herb garden of discontent, I’m sure.