Hello again, and happy Mama Kat Thursday! I’m once again linking up with this fun group of people, today in response to Kat’s wondering… What are five of my favorite things?
I like things. I have plenty of them, and I have a pretty particular taste with most stuff. But I honestly had a hard time getting excited about things I could tell you to go buy. I’d much rather tell you about things worth enjoying. Cool?
1. Waking up (almost) every day with Handsome. He is my husband, my best friend, my fierce protector, and my constant provider. He makes me feel the best of all feelings and challenges and inspires me too. He drums up cravings to show strong, active love, something much deeper than sheer romance or companionability. Waking up next to this man and starting our days together… Then reuniting (almost) every night and blending our limbs and our hearts… These are precious gifts to me. Also, it’s been a lot of fun lately to hear which new iPhone alarm sound he chooses for startling us out of our deep slumber. The A-Team theme song has recently given way to a dolphin’s eeeee-eeeee-eeeee-eeeee!!! Soothing. Soothing is what it is.
2. Nourishment. Perfect coffee early each morning and so much healthy, decadent, wonderful food every day, every week. Only occasionally do I partake of coffeehouse indulgence, but I am today. The rest of the time this girl is frighteningly good at brewing cheap coffee at home and dressing it just so to taste like a $4 cup. Yum. And the blessing of being so well fed the rest of each day is far from lost on me. My favorite eats lately are kale, oranges, eggs, anything with salsa or avocados, mushrooms, roasted garlicky chicken, ceviche, and any kind of oily pasta. Ok aaaaannnd… I am so hungry.
3. Hearing from my daughters. Any little snippet about them or especially from them infuses my day as with essential oils. This special contact is healing to me, perfuming, invigorating. Just plain wonderful. My heart is confident in them and in each of their futures. I know beyond any earthly fear that God has been with them all along and that He always will be. I’m also making changes in the Apartment because I feel some farm visits coming soon… This, friends, is a truly precious gift, this deep maternal knowledge. My girls are such beautiful, fascinating, gifted young women… I am abundantly grateful and hopeful.
4. Running. I’ve stepped up my marathon training just a tad, which is to say that I am almost on track now, haha! I’ll get there and will write more of a Hal Higdon update later; but in the short term, making running a part of my daily routine four to five times per week has been one of the best life changes I have ever made. My husband would certainly agree, because at the very least I am in a fantastically better mood on the days I run long.
5. Late winter garden daydreams. Oh the lusty, intoxicating, full-self stimulating business of imagining and planning next season’s gardens. I have been enjoying this gardner’s private ritual for years and get more serious and more carefree about it every single January. Right now I’m deep in the belly of the beast. When I emerge with something worth sharing you’ll know. Because I’ll be shouting it from the rooftops.

So these are five of my favorite things about life, lately. Of course my list of passions and blessings is at least a thousand times as long, but as always there are other things to do besides write. And Kat only asked for five. These five are the shining, throbbing hallmarks of my days lately.
Do you share any of these with me? What are your top five faves?
If you’re stopping in from Mama Kat, welcome! I would love you to stay a while. Please consider adding to our little chain story from earlier this week. http://lazywmarie.com/lets-build-a-chain-story/
To my other friends, pop over to her blog and check out some of the other fun entries! http://www.mamakatslosinit.com/blog/
Y’all have an amazing Thursday. Count your blessings, big and small. Actively enjoy them, or they are wasted. Smile big and silly. Life is good.
I share your love of avocados for sure. And gardening. Sure wish I could grow my own avocados. and your sign off “Smile big and silly” made me laugh. Love that, love your blog, love you! As always, thanks for sharing.
Hi Jennie!! I always appreciate you reading & commenting, so much. ❤ YES to avocados and did I see that you’re speaking at the OKC Home & Garden show this weekend? Wahoo! My daughter grew an Avacado pit once when she was in 2nd grade. It lasted well into 3rd grade and was about a foot and a half tall and well branched. I was so proud! Haha
Thanks again!
Food and coffee makes me so happy, but it sounds a lot more sophisticated when you put it under the umbrella term “nourishment”. I love that!
It’s nourishment of the mind and soul too, right? Haha
Thanks Kat! So nice of you to be here.
Those are five excellent things to get excited about! Your post makes me want to eat better and start running immediately, or well, as soon as my sprained foot heals.
Ooohh good luck with that ankle, ouch! That would drive me crazy, except for the extra time to sit and read… He are you spending it?
I’m so glad you enjoyed this, thank yu, and best wishes with exploring some good food and running! It’s the BEST. Take care!
Gorgeous as always. These are all very good “things” to love. Except maybe running. The jury is still out on that one…. 😉 xoxo
Hey sweet lady… Thank you! I have a pretty charmed life, I don’t mind admitting it. Very lucky.
Why no running, really? It’s so good for the thought-sorting and the heart-scrubbing. Not at all unlike writing, which I know you love… ❤
Thanks for being here Mrs. periphery. Much love to you.
I just ate some avocado with dinner! Oranges sound good.. I will have to pick those up next 🙂 I love your list; thanks for the ideas!
Hi Caitlin, thanks for stopping in! Yes gosh I love citrus anything. Now I’m hungry again, haha
1: Hearing my husband’s car come up the driveway in the late afternoon – I know there will be a warm embrace, a debrief of our days and his smile back in the house.
2) My home – it’s my refuge, my inspiration and my security.
3) Hot steamy baths to soothe my aching muscles after a day of gardening or painting or cooking.
4) My garden any time of the year – I’m with you in the winter – dreaming and scheming this year’s bounty.
5) Cooking – it’s the way I show my love to the people in my life. Sit down at my table and share this love.
Love very one of these so much. I’d definitely be happy to sit at your table any time of year. Heather, these are beautiful, just like you. ❤ thanks for reading!!
Oh, I LOVE this. I need to celebrate all of the good *not things* in my life more often.
Thanks, Melanie! I so appreciate you stopping in. Yep, the more I celebrate the “not things” the stronger they get, too. Good feelings, good life. Have a fabulous weekend! xoxo
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Thanks for linking-up at Beauty Observed last Friday. I’m a little behind in visiting. 🙂
I love your five favorite things. We have a lot in common… I love a good man. I have a daughter who lives in another city who I love to get phone calls from. Um, coffee, yes! Gardening, of course! Running? I’m more a yoga girl.
That quote about gardening and one’s back is too true!