Hello friends! Today I am so happy to be sharing with you a brand new devotional on marriage, one that inspires and encourages.

This is Ashley with her husband Brent. Aren’t they adorable? Ashley writes a bright, faith filled, loving blog called Domestic Fashionista and has captured my imagination in so many ways over the months I’ve read her sweet stuff. Her marriage devotional is just another example of how she pours out her heart and offers humility, encouragement, and scriptural framework for her ideas. She strikes the loveliest balance between instruction and very personal exchange, and she stays centered on Love. I so enjoy her warm, effervescent voice.
In just 31 different little chapters, originally a 31 day blog series, Ashley explores opportunities for growth in your marriage and shares how she has faced the same. She includes scriptures with each premise but never gets preachy. And at the end of each chapter, she asks simple, pointed questions that really stimulated my imagination. The questions are like little examinations of conscience, little challenges to “up your game” as wife.
This is actually one of the most unique and beautiful parts of the book: the notion that a better marriage can be built with personal accountability. Assessing what I can do more, better, different, or less rather than focusing on what my husband is or is not doing. And while it is written by a woman and for women, every bit of it could be enjoyed by a man and applied to the husband’s sensibility.
A quick note on that difference, which Ashley addresses gently and with great stillness of spirit: Modern feminism is a complex and fascinating topic. And the word serve has gathered lots of negative connotations in our society. It has somehow become synonymous with martyrdom and subjugation instead of love and joyful fulfillment. If you have a bitter taste in your mouth with this topic, I warmly encourage you to read Ashley’s full devotional, particularly Day 5. She is a young woman, college educated, and freely choosing her lifestyle. She debunks the ideas that marital service equals slavery… just be exuding so much joy! And she points time and again to motive and Love, not score keeping or obligation. It’s really beautiful.
His masculinity brings out my femininity, and my femininity brings out his masculinity.
Do you have five minutes to spend each day for a month, investing a little extra thought and intention into your marriage? I bet you do. And I believe that making those small, intentional investments will yield more than you can imagine. More satisfaction. More mutual appreciation. More joy. More rest. More trust. Check out Ashley’s devotional. Click and purchase it right here and start soaking up her inspiration. Then check back in here and let me know what you tried!
Thanks for writing this, Ashley! I appreciate your sweet insights and efforts to communicate your heart. I know this ventures into delicate territory these days, and I hope that you have enjoyed lots of peace after the writing.
“When I am well, we are well.”
~Ashley Urke
this is a wonderful review. thank you for your perpective.
Thank you Debbee! I gleaned so much from Ashley’s writing. Really appreciate you stopping in! xo