We are in a waxing moon, friends. In fact, here in this little corner of paradise, we enjoyed a true New Moon on the first day of the New Year, and in my book that is pretty special. Magical, even. A waxing moon implies a swell of energy, a deep inclination toward fertility and life, freshness at every turn. Construction. Reaching up and out. Germination. Adding to Life. How perfect, as we embark on this crisp white 2014 calendar with new visions and goals, to enjoy a natural bend of energy like this. I love it.
As the year progresses and the seasons warm, the waxing moon phases will offer more obvious opportunities, especially in the garden. Any quick scan of the nearest almanac will give you list after list of ideal tasks you can perform at certain times of the month. I am all over that. But how about right now? And how about in other areas of life, besides the garden? (Never mind. LOL The garden is all I care about. *wink*)
I have been paying attention to my personal energy levels for almost a year, taking good notes from month to month of when my creativity ebbs and flows, when I feel more contemplative and withdrawn, or when I am boiling over with grand ideas and motivation to get out of the house and do big things. No surprise, for me at least, that all of this coincides neatly with the moon. Almost perfectly, my natural access to fertile energy (building, giving, creating) happens during the two weeks that the moon is waxing full. Then, again almost perfectly, my systems slow down. I crave more reading than writing. I have the urge to work on closets rather than hang new artwork. I am more emotional and need to be alone more than socialize. You get the idea.
Wait, do you get the idea? Or do you think I’m wacky?
Have you ever noticed this yourself?
So this week and next, while the moon is growing from new (blank) to full (solid silver), I will be capitalizing in her shared energy. I have plans, and I will delay some of the other inner work for when the moon is exhaling again.
Yesterday our Christmas decorations came down, and there is still some spit-shining to do, which are somewhat deconstructive tasks; but now I am mostly in a state of build and imagine. Dream and create. I have planned…
- Art projects.
- Weight lifting.
- Painting walls new colors.
- Sewing a few aprons.
- Starting early seeds and forcing spring bulbs.
- Maybe even writing a few chapters of this book I have in my head.
- Socializing with friends we miss dearly.
Above-ground type stuff, you know?
Speaking of above-ground… It’s early January, which means seed catalog season here at the Lazy W and everywhere a passionate gardener resides. This is perfect for a waxing moon! Sit with some hot tea or perfect coffee, a notebook, and some colored pens and start dreaming.
- What did well in last year’s garden? Do you want more of that?
- What new plants would you love to try this season?
- Walk around your dormant spaces (at least in your mind) and see what blank spots need filling, and with what? Remember edibles are often just as beautiful as ornamentals.
- What color combinations excite you this year?
- Are you growing flowers for your house, for cut bouquets? If so, what colors do your interiors crave? Are you trendy enough to try Pantone’s color of the year in your garden?
- If you cook a lot at home, what herbs do you find yourself wanting more of? Grow those. And if you decide to grow herbs, you might as well grow your own salad, too. Write that down.
Some people are extremely organized about this garden-planning business. Me? Less so. But I do enjoy the wild brainstorming. And this waxing moon phase is perfect for it.
What do you think of this waxing moon energy? How will you capitalize on it? And are you glued to your seed catalogs yet, like me?
Happy January to you, friends, however you spend it. And may your waxing moon weeks be inspired and productive!
When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon
My soul expands in the worship of the Creator.
~Mahatma Gandhi
or the beauty of
I LOVE all of this! I live in a new place this year and had to move away from my little garden. I’m contemplating containers only but still…oh the seeds and the possibility!
Hi Misti!! Oh yes… the seeds and the possibility. So beautiful and exciting! Congrats on your new place, and I highly encourage container gardening So good for the soul. So Zen, right? Happy New Year, nice to meet you xoxo
Something about your spirit is so youthful and playful, in a wonderful way. I am intrigued by your tracking of your energies throughout the year and think I might give it a go. My bedroom walls happen to be last year’s color of the year–Whythe Blue. Or somebodies color, for some year. Your new blog looks and feels awesome.
Hello again! : )
Thank you… I feel super blessed to feel lighthearted at this stage in life, considering the surface “facts” that I once allowed to be my heavy doom and gloom.
I started tracking this stuff for health reasons and then I started reading up on lunar cycles as they relate to the garden, and voi-la! Turns out I am just as subject to nature’s influence as lettuce and potatoes.
Let me know what you think as you go. Working with my cycles instead against them has made SUCH the difference. All about redeeming time, you know? Making the most of the day and what it offers. Each one is so different.
Ooh, the seed catalogs! We get a new one every day in the mail and all four of us have been pondering and marking them up! The possibilities… Delicious in every sense of the word. I, too, am intrigued by this energy tracking. I shall have to delve a bit. Your energy, my dear, is infectious.
I wondered if you’d be gardening, ma’am! Three cheers for a family effort! Your hooligans will not forget it. Veggies? Flowers? Herbs? What’s up with that bamboo of yours?
This energy stuff is real, I’m sure of it. One day someone else will make it sound smarter, but I’m the mean time I plan to make the most of each day. Haha
Love to you!!
I just finished my newest project for Hometalk that is a seedling starter. We’ve been getting seed catalogs every day it seems like. I love making lists etc… of what I want to grow. I get to grow very little because of our huge pecan trees that shade nearly every single part of our yard – but that’s okay, it’s what the farmer’s market is for!
Well hello Kelli! Hey, I think the planning is half the fun. And if you get pecans out of the deal, not too shabby! What market do you love?
Why did I miss this post? So true about the ebbs and flows of energy and mood! Somehow I’m always uplifted and full of ideas as the moon becomes full also. Happy planning!