Well hello Missus Fancy Pants! Or Mister Fancy pants, as the case may be. I am so glad you stopped in on this exact day. Because today I am so happy to announce the return of Tiny T and his romantic (mis)adventures.

If you were a frequent reader here at The lazy W last autumn, then you may remember my short cohort and his pursuit of true love. I introduced his series on September 30th of last year. We all had so much fun following his day-to-day choices and even guiding a few by group vote. It was intended to be a month-long choose-your-own adventure series, and you guys were FANTASTIC to participate so generously. I really loved you for it. You made it so much fun!

Handsome’s parents were among the warm, upbeat supporters of the Tiny T series, too, so much so that after the first couple of weeks they were making suggestions about which famous actress T should finally end up with. (Together they nominated an actress whose name rhymes with Sally Ferry.) I cannot tell you how much it warmed my heart that these two people, with so much heavy, serious stuff on their plate, took the time to read my silliness and encourage me. It turns out, even grown ups need their parents’ encouragement.
Thank you for that and so much more, Harvey and Judy.
Then we lost my mother in law Judy very suddenly. Overnight, all of our lives were forever different. I tabled the Tiny T series to focus on our family. But even as I wrote other things and life slowly and clumsily evened out, even after we had survived the holiday season more or less in tact, it never felt right to pick it back up again. My sweet father in law, Harvey, has spent the last four months with us here at the farm, and I could never bring myself to write even a ridiculous love story when he had lost his true love.
Well, some time has passed now. The grieving is certainly not done, but the shock has mostly subsided. We are finding little ways to move forward and make new, life affirming plans. Harvey has moved back to his home and Handsome and I are confident that he is going to be alright. We all have enjoyed a deep dose of familial love and now can relax enough to enjoy some silliness. Some Tiny T love seeking.
I hope you will join us! Perhaps you’d like to brush up on Tiny T’s Lookin’ for Love series so far? Here are the story installments from last October:
So all of that is what we have so far. This week I will write the next piece, picking up right where we left Tiny T, in New Orleans with two beautiful women to balance. Will you join us?

Thanks for reading, friends! I hope your first weekend in March, whether sunny or snowy, has brought you the promise of new beginnings.
To Every Thing, Turn, Turn, Turn
There is a Season…