Hello! It’s early Tuesday morning, which means I am getting ready for another fun day at OSU-OKC for Master Gardeners’ class!
Seriously? I have so many things to share with you about these sessions. The people are just fantastic. The new energy flow is welcome in my life and so interesting, stimulating. The deluge of information being offered is unprecedented! And so much inspiration… Week after week, I come home with new ideas and smarter daydreams. I just had no idea how much further my mind could be stretched in an arena I have loved for so long.
Maybe the most important thing I am learning is how to find really good information. And that is something I’d love to share with you no matter where you live, but especially if you too are digging and sowing and harvesting in this Great State I call home.
Because anyone who has tried establishing and tending a garden in Oklahoma knows it is particularly challenging, right? Extreme everything. Ferocious wind, crazy temperature fluctuations, either droughts or floods (or both!)… Every soil type under the sun. Very little goes the small, quiet way here. Including beauty. So we need good support. Smart, experienced people to light the way. Here are some clickable garden resources for you, as offered to me by the fine folks at the Oklahoma County Extension:
Oklahoma Master Gardener Program
Association of Natural Biocontrol Producers
Hydro Hippy (pollinators for sale)
OK State Entomology & Plant Pathology
National Academy of Sciences pollinator resource
BBC programmes: The Private Life of Plants
Bio-Integral Resource Center (for Integrated Pest Management)
IPM Institute of North America
Albuquerque Extension Master Gardener Program
National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
Ohio State University college of food, agriculture, & environmental science
I will be adding to this list periodically, so please check in again! And if you have an online resource to share, please send me a note and I’ll add it. Knowledge is power.
We know we belong to the laaaaaand!
WOW! Thanks!
I love that picture of you. You are gorgeous and glowing.
deserttropicals.com (not sure about the double t)
It has extensive lists of plants in various categories, including a common names list.
Each entry has plant origins, temp range, growth habits and most have a photo.