One of my very favorite things about having this little farm is raising chickens. (Poultry-chicken is what I’m talking about today, not human chickens, although what a dream come true that would be!) The hens and roosters look so cool strutting and dancing around the yard. Their many, varied sounds are complex and beautiful. They control the worst of the bugs and most of the snakes. They contribute to the compost heap generously.
Few are the people who eat a farm fresh, free range egg and still prefer to buy the thin, watery, comparatively anemic eggs from the grocery store. These are just so big and heavy and rich and flavorful, and most people who seem to know about such things say that farm fresh eggs are significantly more nutritious, too.
Sometimes we find eggs that are even bigger than the normal giants we collect every day…
Love it! We buy our eggs from a Amish farmer just outside of town – there is no comparison to storebought. I’m hoping to have 2 hens next year in my little garden – right at the bottom of the yard by the raised vegetable bed. Can’t wait!
Hello there: I think that I should find my way to the Lazy W to confer w/you about chickens. Soon. I’m wondering about “how long can they lay?” “what do you do with them when they ‘lay no more’?” “how is it that your dogs don’t eat your chickens” “will they wander off? and if not, how do they stay where they’re supposed to stay?”
Do you see? I have questions. Lots of them.
800 eggs? Wait until I tell the kids! They will be amazed! And of course, promptly request a visit to the farm! 🙂