As I sit here typing and drinking lots of very strong, delicious coffee, it is Tuesday morning. Not the discount home store but a mark on the calendar. On Thursday morning, just 48 hours from now, we will open the farm to almost 90 local Master Gardeners. The Lazy W was invited to participate in this year’s members’ tour, the theme being countryside homes and eclectic or offbeat styles. **PERFECT** right? So I am pretty excited. Quite. I love gardening and I love having people here. The morning will pass quickly with two separate tour buses loaded with about 44 people each, and I am having fun deciding what refreshments to serve.
Handsome and I try to keep things spiffy around here just for our own pleasure, and to entertain friends and family, but welcoming accomplished gardeners with cameras means that we are kicking it up a notch or two. We will be pretty busy between now and Thursday morning, getting beds cleaned and weeds pulled. Trees trimmed and lawns watered. Etcetera, etcetera. Maybe one or two extra flower pots?

Please send your good, happy vibes! Send your spare energy and mental high fives, too. We love them all.
I’ll be posting updates on Instagram and Snapchat, so feel free to join the conversations there. I would love that. Until next time, happy gardening!
“Won’t you come into my garden?
I would like my roses to see you.”
~Richard Sheridan
18th century Irish playwright