Soaking in our second Hot Tub Summit of the day, this time drenched in bright sunshine instead of stardust, I casually asked my husband how will he remember this past year. What stands out to him about 2016. He said that was too big a question to spring on a person, and of course he’s right. I have been meditating on this question for days and still have not distilled a complete answer.
These past twelve months have been wildly textured, rich with hurt and joy, adventure, romance, back-breaking labor, stress that made us brittle then relief that rinsed us clean and made us pliable again, accomplishments, failures, more accomplishments, and so much popcorn.
Thank goodness for homemade popcorn, really, and all the cuddling that comes with it.
I do not count myself among the folks who are weighed down mourning the apparently disproportionate loss of celebrities this year. To each his own, for sure. I admit that our 2016 In Memoriam will be a tear jerker when those video montages start circulating, but my real actual life has been such a roller coaster of grief and joy, and that roller coaster has lasted for so many years with almost no acknowledgement from the outside world, that I have little need to mourn strangers. Does that sound cold or dis-compassionate? It doesn’t feel that way. I just feel fairly focused on this gorgeous little nine-acre bubble here. Well, these nine acres plus all the places on Earth where our disconnected loved ones call home.
Love knows no property lines, of course. And maybe also not time.
I can barely remember whether I declared a big glittering resolution a year ago, but I am so happy to look back and see that the year was far better than I could have hoped or achieved on my own. The Law of Attraction must have a built in clause about excess and grace, because so many things have happened beyond my wildest imagination, it’s thrilling. I feel healthy, settled, strong, grateful, excited, nourished, and eyes-wide-open, you know?
That last one bears a cool distinction because for a while (a few years) there I was living so much by faith that my eyes were shut tight. If that makes any sense. I had to drive fast and hard and follow the curves completely blind in order to keep moving forward.
I am still relying on faith, as it always should be, but now minus the constant terror.
Anyway. If I had a resolution or even a theme word for 2016, I don’t remember it and have little interest in searching my blog or journal to know for sure. Life has brought me (us, I hope) to a better place.
Instagram “Top Nine” offers the following memories, based solely on likes:
It was fun to walk down that lane. But I don’t put everything on Instagram. Those photographic archives don’t show the late night conversations with Jocelyn, the private moments of reflection spent reading challenging books, and certainly not the irreplaceable romance I enjoy with my husband. Even logging most of my sweaty, hard-earned miles one digital place or another, I cannot see anywhere online how much running has changed my life. My sister Angela’s full-spectrum journey back to health and the family is nowhere on the internet, and neither is my husband’s amazing career evolution.
No collective experience on social media, not even on this blog where I indulge myself constantly, can paint the full portrait of my life lately, and that’s good. That’s really, really good.
We still have unfulfilled longings, unanswered prayers, and goals for which we strive constantly. This also is really good, because we remain (mostly) humble and hungry.
It’s the last day of a spectacular year, and I just want to say THANK YOU to God, to all the elements of the Universe that have converged to answer our hopes and reward our work. I want to say thank you to our friends who have helped shape our world so beautifully, and even to our few enemies who are just living their own lives, after all. We learn plenty from you, and we don’t feel hate anymore.
Handsome and I have not quite decided how we’ll celebrate New Year’s Eve, because we both assumed it would be easy to find the right event, but everything locally is sold out, ha! It’s fine. Friday night we attended a wonderful engagement party for our friends Tami and Jason, and tomorrow night we are hosting a casual bonfire to kick off 2017 with easy fun. So if tonight we stay home with our animals and soak up a quiet countdown to midnight, that’s fine by me.
Homemade popcorn and cuddling sound perfect.
Then on to dreaming big for 2017.
See you next year, friends!
Beautiful. 2016 was quite the year, and I can count it all joy. I truly feel like we have come through stronger, happier, and healthier. I can only hope 2017 brings as much success. No, 2016 was not without trials, big ones. It was not without continued longing for those not with us.
Fortunately, the love and joy we shared was stronger than pain and filled the empty places while still leaving room for when that perfect moment comes and longings are once again fulfilled.
I love you my angel. Thank you for everything you do to make our life possible. This was the year of love, cuddles, increased health, searching for paths, and find a way.
Love Always, Now, and Forever
How amazing to share this life with YOU. I love you more and more. Thank you for all of your love and hard work. ANF xoxo
Marie, it has been such a privilege to share a tiny bit of your life in 2016. You are an amazing person. I wish you a wonderful 2017. Kathleen
Kathleen, thank you! I have also really enjoyed getting to know you. What beautiful lives we get to live. Hope to see you this year, happy 2017!
This was beautiful!
Thank you so much, Mer. Happiest of New Years to you xoxo
Good popcorn and cuddling sound like an absolutely perfect way to ring in the New Year to me! We were low key here as well. Cheers to a wonderful 2017 Marie!
Hi Marcia!! So happy to connect with you in a bigger way! Yeah that is so our speed these days, and I love it. Happy New Year to you : ))