Happy Weekend!! We have been so busy this past week, as usual I suppose, and are once again landed safely and happily at a little break. This weekend the sun is shining aggressively in Oklahoma, warming up the well soaked soil and brightening all of our moods. This fine Saturday morning Handsome has volunteered to drive to the feed store and also do the chores so I can strike out for a long run, then together we have some fun Saturday outings planned. It’s already a good day.
Right now for book club I am reading something that just inspires deep conversation about every other page. I can’t wait to review the book for you, but in the mean time, a quote and a question…
I am so enamored by this idea, of wanting magic and pulling beauty out of thin air. And of understanding the theater each of us chooses. And to me this is most satisfying kind of beauty, not what can be purchased or acquired… but rather… drawn out. Imagined and manifested. Beauty we interpret and make real by wanting and then enjoying it, that’s the best kind. This passage from White Oleander is actually talking about sex and how men and women relate to each other, but the premise still applies.
Here is some of the beauty we have been pulling out of thin air here lately… Our theaters are colorful and loving.
Spontaneous pastels and pencil art with my friend Marci and her little beauty Juliana. I keep the ones they made with my name nearby and love these friends earnestly from a distance every time I glance at their art.
A really delicious cookie recipe that stuck to the pan and crumbled when I scraped them off. So it all became a really delicious granola recipe. Also, so many kale recipes lately…
We bought a new heavy rubber mailbox and Handsome surprised me by drenching it in color! Magic out of thin air for sure. Even with me squealing and laughing and kissing his face, he has no idea how happy this made me.
Jaxson, our great-nephew, asked to give the big boys some extra food the other evening. He worked so hard with his Kindergarten muscles and my full sized hay rake collecting two full green bucketfuls. He dumped it, laughed when the buff tried to steal the bucket again, then sat and watched them, talking to me forever about dental care.
My herb garden is slowly greening up with sprouts and seedlings. Last year’s bail, oregano, and morning glories seem to have reseeded themselves. Maybe even more than that. Snow peas are up. Bulbs are up. Transplanted shrubs are sturdier than ever. This is my chosen theater, my personal space form which to pull magic from thin air, And I love it. It feeds me in every way.
Milanni, our great-niece, reluctantly touching a baby chick. I have no words for her preciousness.
Every single days offers us hundreds, maybe thousands, of opportunities to pull magic from thin air. It’s all about what are hearts and minds are set to receive, what we look for and are willing to create in our lives.
I gotta run now, literally. But I already feel more magic thrumming its way to our home and to yours. Expect amazing things. Look for the bright moments. Be ready for miracles big and small, because life is teeming with them.
Beauty awakens the soul to act.
~Dante Alighieri
To me, the best
Dee/reddirtramblings says
Have you ever read The Quotidian Mysteries: Laundry, Liturgy and “Women’s Work” (Madeleva Lecture in Spirituality), by Kathleen Norris. She sees the magic in the everyday too. You’re a smart women to figure out so young what’s important in life.~~Dee
thelazyw says
Ooh no I haven’t yet, but I’ll add it to my list. Thank you Dee! And thanks for your kind words, too. All the cliches are true, right? XOXOXO