It’s Monday again and I am happily perched at the top of another marathon training week. Week 7 to be exact. We are approaching the halfway point.
Last week was weird because I accidentally wrote on my planner the mileage plan for a different program (still unclear how this happened) so I followed that and wound up running way less than I should have for my real plan and way less than I was ready for. Then Handsome and I rested hard like serious business all day Saturday and Sunday, so by this morning my legs were bouncy with energy. Energy to spare.
The llamas have energy to spare, too. They have been filling up on sweet, soft hay like 24/7 plus all the treats they can wheedle out of us, and this cold yet abundant sunshine puts them in the best mood! They are my running buddies and I love them.

My correct plan this week has me running 4 miles, then cross train, then 7 miles, then 4, then 13. Since I had extra energy today I did light weights plus 5 miles, and it all happened pretty quickly. It was fast for me, at least, which in this game is all that matters. I felt so amazing at the end that I almost ran more but decided to stick mostly with the plan. But I have to say… While endurance is my overall goal, the (relative) speed is addictive.
Do you happen to remember last May when the Monican recorded an entire vlog in answer to my Twitter question about speed? Click right here to read her entry and maybe watch that vlog. She’s really great, and this stuff was so helpful to me. One of her tips was to use music to improve cadence, and today’s run here at the farm brought all of that back.
So I thought it would be fun to share the songs on my phone that help me run a little faster. Okay? Okay. Cool.
- Rap God Eminem
- Smack That Eminem
- Happy Pherrell Williams
- Black Widow Iggy Azalea & Rita Ora
- White Walls Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
- Can’t Hold Us Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
- I Will Wait Mumford & Sons
- Problem Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea
- Come With Me Now Kongos
- Best Day of My Life American Authors
- Shake it Off Taylor Swift (shut. up.)
My actual running playlist is much, much longer than this (major props to Handsome for this), but these are the songs that I shuffle to help my legs move. The tempo of each one is quick and sustained, and all of it is addictive. Very helpful.
Do you have your own tricks for running faster? Do you have any great running songs you’d like to share? Thanks Monican for your guidance! Pace times are gradually improving here at the W.
Shake and Bake
My trick for running faster consists of a better horsepower to weight ratio and premium fuel, possibly a supercharger, and a shot of nitrous if really needed.
Nice!!haha I happen to know that music SOMETIMES plays a role with you… ; ))
Not that you ever drive TOO fast, right?
I share several of your songs, including Taylor (no shame!). Another of my faves for running harder is “Party Hard” by Andrew W. K. And for a little girl power, there’s nothing better than “All Fired Up” by Pat Benatar.
Kristin, thanks for the ideas, wow! Most of these I don’t even know, haha! And here I thought I was so musical. LOL