Thanks for stopping in to chat again about running! Running is probably my fourth favorite topic of conversation, after what I like to eat, how cute my dog is, and how the book is always better than the movie.
Today I have collected my thoughts about post-run stretching and cool downs. Just how it has all helped me feel great these past few months.

In case you want to catch up, I’ve been slowly writing this little series. You can click the links below to read about each topic. I would love to hear your thoughts!
7 Simple Improvements to Running
- Dynamic Warm Ups before every single run, no matter what.
- Tweaks in Running Form (thanks again Mickey!)
- Longer, more mindful stretching cool-downs
- Abs, Glutes, & Hips! Actually all sorts of cross training, but especially core work.
- Diet Improvements, especially migrating toward the “Queen-Princess-Pauper” pattern.
- Intuitive Living, all the things we do daily to re-learn how to trust our own bodies
- Attitude and Outlook! Gratitude every day, for every mile, no matter what.
#3. Cool Down & Stretch!!
All the time runners joke about how they know they should stretch more, but they just don’t. Why do you think that is? My theory is that the ritual robs more of our precious laced-up time. We’re busy people and are already bummed for the mile we missed doing dynamic warm ups, right? haha
The thing is, stretching is magical. It feels good immediately to lengthen and rest our hard working muscles while we catch our breath; and it does a lot long term to prevent injury, helping us avoid back-body tightness and all kinds of other problematic stuff. I am pretty sure not stretching for so many weeks had a lot to do with my foot pain turning into total calf pain, then knee pain, hip weirdness, etc. All better now, though!
Rather than reinvent the wheel and tell you exactly what stretches to do (they are so easily researched), I’ll just encourage you, if you don’t have a routine yet, to find one and be consistent. I used to think it was just a fancy formality, but it really does help. Mine takes maybe 6 or 7 minutes and is deeply refreshing.
And I will offer these extra personal tidbits:
- Hold each position for a longer time than you think is necessary, no bouncing please.
- Explore twists and deepening moves as you go, like in yoga. Find the tension in your body, the sweet spots, everything.
- Breathe fresh air and light into your body as you stretch, too. (Yes I know that makes me sound like I follow moon cycles, I do.)
- Lastly (this is the most personal part) give thanks for the miles you just finished. Let your cool down be an overall closing ritual so that you end on a really positive, healthy note. Even on the days you are not super quick or maybe your endurance was slightly less than you wanted it to be (hello summertime temps), you did more than zero! And by giving your body some TLC you get to try again soon. Also, I have always been vainly critical of my legs, so this deliberate act of appreciation for my body’s work has done wonders to help me feel happier and more focused on health and wellness than just looks.
Since adding the dynamic warm ups before running and the cool down stretches after, I have noticed a delicious flexibility in my joints and actual smoothness in my muscles. Strong but not stiff. Really nice. I rarely hobble around the farm anymore, either, which is good. I definitely look forward to those mellow minutes at the end of each workout.
So do your warm ups. Have great form. Stretch!
And do George Michael karaoke if you get the chance.
“Stretching’s natural, stretching’s good!
Not every runner does it, but every runner should!”